You may read a number of bios where bands will extol their virtues of being the next big thing, as important as Led Zeppelin, inventor of the wheel…
Anger As Art doesn’t do that. They don’t need to.
To know what Anger As Art is, one can look at what they have been since 2004. A first rate, old school thrash metal band – rooted in the history created by the members of the band. Take one look at their lineage – members of Abattoir, Evil Dead, Bloodlust, Hirax, Reverend, Bitch,… and know where they are going.
2 World Tours, shows with Destruction, Overkill, Testament, Death Angel, Exodus, Saxon, Agent Steel, ex- Maiden vocalists Bayley and DiAnno, Tankard, Onslaught, Katatonia and many more.
And, when most others are beginning to fade away, Anger As Art returns in 2013 with their 4th and strongest album to date – “Hubris Inc.” A 14-song juggernaut of rage and frustration. No signs of slowing down for these founders/veterans of the worldwide thrash/speed/death metal scene. They’re just getting started...

Anger As Art Live at The Galaxy Theater, Santa Ana, CA. 2011